Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Lighting Assignment , lakendria

 Clip one: This clip is from the Jamie Foxx show, The room doesn't appear to have had much base light. There doesn't appear to be any light direction;unless there are lamps already on the set.There is not alot of shadows, so this means that high key or fill light is used.  The fact that there is no shadows may indicate diffused light as well. The contrast is the same throughout the shot, there is no contrast between light and dark in this scene. The Tone is bright and saturated, not dull and washed out I don't see any grey in the color. The Desk area appears to be most lit, maybe because it is the brightest thing in the scene. The lighting does add some depth to the scene you can clearly notice the objects in the background. The color temperature is incandescent because it is inside. The over all mood captured here is a calm work environment, the lighting accomplishes that, because it is dimmer. I believe if this was an office with alot of workers it may have been brighter.
Clip two:  This clip is from desperate housewives, the mood of this scene is meant to convey a girls day out; which i think is accomplished with the use of base light. It looks as if alot of the light coming from this scene is coming from outside; so this shot does have light direction because you can see where the light is coming from. There is high key light, no shadows I don't believe alot of fill light was needed due to the base light. and there isn't any real contrast. There is no shadows here and that is an indication of diffused light. If this shot has fall off it would be the dark hair and the area beyond the open space where the light comes in. There appears to be hard light , there isn't much depth to this shot. The background is not clear. There is also soft light used .

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